Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Friday, March 27, 2009


I haven't posted in a few days.  I have, however, written several drafts that I have yet to revise and publish on here.  Sorry, will get there soon.  Too many things going on right now to finish an old draft when all I want to do is start another one.  After talking to my boss and setting up some reactions I spent the morning reading Father Z's blog and came upon a lively discussion about what books are "essential" to read to make one's mind cultured and cultivated.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had read quite a bit of the literature (thank you, professors at UK in the Honors Program for introducing me to famous works and then forcing me to write papers on them).  Sadly, my copies of those books are now lost and I still scratch my head on where these boxes of books went missing when I moved around from 2000-2006.  I do miss those books and all their pencil-scratched notes.  And then I got on goodreads to mark down the books that I should spend some time reading in the future.  There is never enough time.  I have been reading every day and I haven't finished a book in over a month!  Strange.  Maybe tonight I can get close to finishing The Everlasting Man.

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