Last Thursday, Sharon and Adam invited us to be their guests at the Texas Alliance for Life dinner (pictured below). I didn't know the executive director is a member of my parish! Pretty cool, it was wonderful to see so many people we knew there. The guest speaker was absolutely amazing. Gianna Jessen survived an abortion and lives to tell about it! She is an amazing orator and her talk was well honed. It was a wonderful benefit dinner and I hope that TAL receives the funds they are asking for.
Sharon and Adam also asked three Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist to attend the event and pictured below is one holding Cecilia (I think that is Sister Mary Jacinta).
I feel honored to have been asked to attend such an event and I hope that we will be able to be able to afford to donate more money as we advance in our careers to the charities that mean the most to us. TAL is certainly one of them. It was fascinating to hear of the progress and advancements they have made with shutting down illegal abortion clinics and helping pro-life advocates obtain election in certain offices. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know so many people who are full of love and speak openly about the right to life._____________________
O, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen.
God bless Sharon and Adam for their dedication and hard work for respecting life and teaching others to do the same.
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